Thursday, May 2, 2013

Made to Crave Online Bible Study

I’m very excited to announce our very own online bible study!  We will officially begin on May 13th, so let’s get ready!

So what is an online bible study?  If you can’t make it in person to our bible study at the church, this is the second best thing.  Every Monday I will post a blog for the week showing our video for that week and letting you know our weekly “assignments”.  Don’t worry, this isn’t school and you won’t get graded.  Just remember, as with anything, the more you put in the more you will get out of this. 

You can choose your own time to do this study.  Please set a time apart just as if you were going to an actual bible study.  I would set aside at least an hour a week for the online portion (the videos are about 30 minutes each week), then make sure you have time to read each chapter and complete the participation guide portion for that week.  Don’t feel you have to do all the reading and answer all the questions in one sitting; you can take the whole week for that!

After you check out the blog, be sure to leave a comment.  This is the fun part.  Not only do we get to interact with each other via the comment section but every time you comment your name will be put into a drawing for a weekly prize.  Ooh, prizes!

A few things to do before we begin:

1) Get a copy of the Made to Crave book & participants guide by Lysa TerKeurst.  I ordered 20 copies of each so please see me to get your copies at a discounted rate of $16.68 (make checks payable to Cornerstone Church, memo: Small Group).  If money is an issue, I still want you to participate, please come talk to me or email me and we will work something out! 

Note:  We don’t need to start reading yet, just bring your books to your first meeting or online meeting

2) Check out the Made To Crave website: and see what this study is all about 

3) Invite your friends, this is open to anyone and everyone

4) Practice – check back to my blog periodically, see if anything new has been posted and practice commenting if you would like

5) Pray.  Pray that nothing stops you from starting this.  Pray that God will guide you in this process.  Pray that you will see things in a whole new light.  Pray that you will be blessed.  Pray that this healthy journey we are all taking together will be life changing.

Looking forward to starting this journey together.  If you have any questions at any time please leave a comment or email me.

Be Blessed,


  1. Hi Shila,
    This is a great opportunity and idea. I am willing to participate and I am sure I can get at least two people at work to participate with me. I would like to pick up my books on Sunday along with those of any fellow participants I can muster. I am looking forward to the weekly meetings and posts. I think I am also looking forward to becomming a blogger. I have never done this before.

  2. Crave it daily! & are 2 of the best online Bible search & study tools (over 200 Bible versions).
